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Holy Fathers

Selected quotes and teachings of the Holy Fathers

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Sayings of The Holy Fathers

"There is no prayer so quickly heard as the prayer whereby a man asks to be reconciled with those who are wroth with him. For when he charges himself with the offence, this prayer is immediately answered."

St. Isaac the Syrian
[The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian]
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Do not talk with everyone about piety and good life. I say this, not out of jealousy, but because I think that in the eyes of a foolish man youwill appear ridiculous. Like accords with like, and listeners for such conversations are few, or rather very rare.
 St. Anthony the Great
(Early Fathers from the Philokalia)
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"...a person becomes humble and grieves because he is a sinner. In consequence of this he begins to practise self-control and patient endurance in the face of afflictions sought and unsought. What comes from the demons he endures through ascetic discipline, and what comes from men he endures as a test of his faith. In this way it becomes clear whether he puts his trust in God, or in man, or in his own strength and judgment."

From St. Peter of Damaskos

(Twenty-Four Discourses no. 24, The PhilokaliaVol. 3 edited by Palmer, Sherrard and Ware; Faber and Faber pg. 272)

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    Baptized in Christ by the Spirit, we have received the first incorruptibility of the flesh; we await the final incorruptibility of Christ in the Spirit, that is, in keeping undefiled the first incorruptibility by a free gift of good works and by a voluntary death; according to this final incorruptibility no one who enjoys it will lose the benefits he has acquired.

St. Maximus the Confessor

[Chapters on Knowledge.]
