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On the Antichrist:

Furthermore, it is very important to note that all the holy Fathers consider the main reason for the peoples' rapid and irrational enthusiasm for Antichrist to be their lack of spiritual understanding, their total immersion in a fleshly state. And since spiritual understanding can be attained and developed only under the conditions of the correct spiritual life taught by the Orthodox Church, then at the moment only Orthodox Christians will be found to be in full spiritual armor, able to recognize all of Antichrist's snares and guile - yet not all Orthodox Christians, but only that small portion of them who will live a spiritual life according to the canons of the Church. Heretics and adherents of false religions who have either lost the spiritual life completely or practice it in incorrect or perverted forms, will inevitably transform the cult of the God-man into a cult of a man-"god", and will demand that he himself be worshipped as god. In the Sacred Scripture he is described as one who exalts himself "above all that is called God or that is worshipped" (Thess 2:3-4), as one who speaks "great things and blasphemies," blaspheming against God "and His tabernacles, and them that dwell in Heaven" (Rev 13:5-6).

Archpriest Boris Molchanoff, Antichrist, Orthodox Life, Vol. XXX No. 3
