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Daily Readings

Daily Scripture Readings, Troparion and Kontakion

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Holy Fathers

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On How God Teaches Us:

As the mother teaches her child to walk so also God teaches us to have a living faith in Him. A mother will position a child on its feet, walk away, and then ask the child to come to her. Without the mother’s support, the child will cry, wanting to come to her, yet afraid, or in trying to approach her, falls over. In like manner, God teaches the Christian to have faith in Him. Just like a child learning to walk, our faith is feeble. God temporarily abandons a Christian and consigns him to various adversities, and later, when the need arises, delivers him. He directs us to look to Him and go to Him. The Christian attempts to see Him, but a heart untrained in seeing God is fearful of its own boldness, stumbles and falls. But God is near and is ready to take the powerless Christian in His arms. That is why in various sorrows and devil’s snares, learn to look upon the Savior with eyes of your heart. Look upon Him boldly as an inexhaustible treasure-trove of goodness and fervently beseech Him for His assistance. And you will receive it instantly. The important thing here is to view the Lord with your heart & have trust in Him as All-goodness. This is the truth taken from experience! This is how God teaches us to acknowledge our frailties and to depend on Him.

Saint John of Kronstadt
