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Daily Scripture Readings, Troparion and Kontakion

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Holy Fathers

Selected quotes and teachings of the Holy Fathers

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Sayings of The Holy Fathers:

Two brethren went to an elder who lived alone in Scete. And the first one said, "Father, I have learned all of the Old and New Testaments by heart." The old man said to him, "You have filled the air with words." The other one said, "I have copied out the Old and New Testaments and have them in my cell." And to this one, the old man replied, "You have filled your window with parchment. But do you not know Him who said, 'The kingdom of God is not in words, but in power?' And again, 'Not those who hear the Law will be justified before God but those who carry it out.'" They asked him, therefore, what was the way of salvation, and he said to them, "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and humility with patience."

From the Desert Fathers

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"If, according to the example of Abraham and Job, we think that we are earth and ashes, then we shall never be robbed, but we will always have something to give to others: not gold and silver, but an example of humility, patience, and love toward God. May there be glory to Him forever. Amen".

From Saints Barsanuphius & John

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A certain monk came to St. Barsanuphios, and asked him, "Shall I anathematize Nestorios?" To which the Great Elder replied, "Your business is to repent of your sins!"

The same monk came back again, and asked, "Should I not anathematize Nestorios, lest there be a great scandal?" The Great Elder replied, "If it would really and truly be a cause of great scandal, you may say, "Anathema to Nestorios," but your business is to repent of your sins."
