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Concerning Human Glory

Vainglory feeds on human praise and privileges invented by the natural mind and arising from our fallen state. It feeds on wealth, nobility of birth, race distinctions, famous and distinguished names such as are given to those who serve and please the world, and other vai and earthly honours. By its very nature, earthly and human glory is directly opposed to the glory of God. The beginnings of human glory and the ways to it are quite different from the beginnings of the glory of God and the ways to its attainment. The beginnings of vainglory and love of fame originate in false ideas of the opinion and power of things human, vain, transient, changeable, insignificant. The way of the seeker of human glory is a constant and varied effort to court and curry human favor. Right or wrong, lawful or unlawful, seekers of human glory will stop at nothing if only they can attain their object.

Bishop Ignatius, The Arena
