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On the Antichrist (A Prophecy, continued):

Then he will begin to show false signs in the heavens and upon the earth, upon the sea and upon the dry land. He will summon the rain, and it will descend. He will command the seed, and the seed will germinate. This he will do, not in reality, but by enchantments. He will rebuke the waves, and they will become quiet; the winds, and they will obey him. He will cause fruit to hang from the trees, and bring forth water from the earth. He will speak with lepers, and they will be purifies; the blind, and they will see; he will call the deaf, and they will hear; the dumb, and they will speak. He will do all the signs our Lord wrought in the world. But he shall not raise the dead; for he has no power over the spirits.

The lightnings will be his servants, and he will give a sign of his coming. Demons will be his forces; the princes of the demons his disciples. He will send the leaders of his forces into far distant regions, and will give then power and healing, and they will seduce the whole world. And the Apostle has written and warned us in his Epistle to the Thessalonians: "Be not terrified, neither by spirit, nor by word, because this is not from us; for there shall first come a revolt, and the man of sin will be revealed, and he will be lifted up, and he will show himself as if he were God, and make himself God" (II Thes.2:2-4).

St. Ephraim the Syrian, excerpt from: Sunday Sermons of the Fathers, Volume 4
